UK Bibliodrama Network
Workshops offered
Workshops can be tailor made for particular groups or settings. In the early stages of spreading awareness of Bibliodrama and attempting to encourage enthusiasm for its practice, the most common style of workshop on offer is one that acts as an introduction to the underlying principles and offers some experience of how it works.
Such an introductory workshop may best explored during a single day where the morning (2 -3 hours) is spent being introduced to the principles, using some of the techniques and the afternoon (3 hours) spent in a worked example of Bibliodrama, perhaps using a theme or text relevant to the group.
Workshops would normally need a minimum of 8 people and a maximum of 20.
If you would welcome a workshop experience for yourself or would like to set one up for the group you represent, please contact us with 'Bibliodrama workshop' in the header.